Set up development environment

Quick overview:

Set the JDK

  1. Select "Java Platforms" from the Tools Menu
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  2. If the JDK 1.7 is not the selected one, press "Add Platform", browse to your Java folder and select the JDK 1.7
    Opening projects

Step-by-Step: Open and Run the Saros Source Code 

Assuming that you already retrieved the sources, you can now open the Netbeans Saros plugin project.

  1. Select "Open Project"
    Opening projects
  2. Browse to the Saros source code folder, select the Saros Core and the Saros Netbeans Modul Suite, enable "Open Required Projects" and click "Open Projects"
  3. The Saros Core Project, the Saros Netbeans Modul Suite and it's containing Moduls Saros and SarosCoreWrapper are displayed in the Project View of the Netbeans IDE
    Opening projects
  4. Clean and Build the Saros Netbeans Modul Suite cleans and builds the SarosCoreWrapper Modul and the Saros Core too
    Opening projects
  5. Run the Saros Netbeans Modul Suite
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Making changes to Saros

  • The Saros Modul within the Saros Netbeans Modul Suite contains the main source code for the Saros Netbeans Plugin.
    Opening projects
  • The build.xml file within the SarosCoreWrapper Modul contains the ant-instructions for cleaning and building the Core and where to save the build-Files
    Opening projects
  • The project.xml within the SarosCoreWrapper Modul declares the public packages of the Core, that are visible to the Netbeans Saros Modul
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The JUnit Plugin is missing

  1. This message is shown if the JUnit plugin is deactivated or not installed. Click "Resolve Problems".
    Opening projects
  2. The Project Problems are listed and a solution is suggested. Click "Resolve".
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  3. Alternatively you can activate or install the JUnit Plugin via the "Plugins" Menu
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  4. Activate the JUnit Plugin, or if it's not installed, search for the Plugin in the list of "Available Plugins" and install it.
    Opening projects