Import code style profiles

The following steps are necessary to ensure that your Eclipse recognizes our code style presets. You only need to do this once for any given Eclipse insallation.

The code style presets are meant to keep the patches clean. They will be applied automatically every time you save a file within Eclipse.

To "install" the presets follow the following steps:

  1. Right-click the "Saros" project in the project explorer and select "Properties"
  2. Navigate to the section "Java Code Style"
  3. Import the clean-up profile:
    1. Select the sub-section "Java Code Style" > "Clean up"
    2. Under the box "Active profile:", click Import...
    3. Navigate to the base folder of the "Saros" project ("[...]/de.fu_berlin.inf.dpp/")
    4. Select "clean-up-profile.xml" and click Open
    5. Click Apply and exit the menu by clicking Ok
  4. Import the formatter profile:
    1. Select the sub-section "Java Code Style" > "Formatter"
    2. Under the box "Active profile:", click Import...
    3. Navigate to the base folder of the "Saros" project ("[...]/de.fu_berlin.inf.dpp/")
    4. Select "formatter-profile.xml" and click "Open"
    5. Click Apply and exit the menu by clicking Ok