Eclipse Bridge


    The Eclipse Bridge contains components that enable integration of Saros into Eclipse.
    Contrary to the UI which implements Saros' own user interface the Eclipse Bridge uses Eclipse' existing user interface and tells the API what to do.
    The packages editor and preferences belong to the Eclipse Bridge.


    The EditorManger and the EditorAPI are the most important classes in the editor package.
    The EditorManager expands the capability of the existing Eclipse editors during a Saros session. It listens for user input into an editor and fires an activity about what the user has changed concerning the editor (such as an opened editor, the position of the viewport, or changed text).
    The EditorAPI encapsulates the interaction with the Eclipse editors (e.g. opens an editor, sets or gets a selection).
    The awareness techniques implemented by annotations are also controlled in this module. They include the user's viewports, text selections and contributions to the text and make them aware to all users of that session (marked with the user's color).


    In the preference package Saros' specific preferences (auto_accept_invitation, auto_follow_mode, local_socks5_proxy_disabled) are defined and default values are set for initialization. These preferences can be manipulated. A restore point is set to allow restoring the preferences changed for a project after the end of a session.