Install Subclipse for building Saros/E

Important notice: This page is out-of-date. Saros no longer relies on Subclipse, so no such plugin needs to be installed for compiling Saros.

Saros can interact with Eclipse's SVN Team support and therefore needs to have access to the plugin for compilation.


Add the update site

Install Subclipse, Subversion Client Adapter and Subversion JavaHL Native Library Adapter.



A common problem after installing Subclipse on modern machines is a recurring error message mentioning something "Java HL" preceded by several seconds of frozen Eclipse GUI. The issue is explained on the official Subclipse website including the steps to solve the problem under Windows and Linux.

Current Ubuntu setups won't find the required package libsvn-java in version 1.6 among the standard repositories (e.g. with Ubuntu 15.10, you'll only find libsvn-java 1.8, which is too new for Subclipse 1.6). You may add the archived repositories of Ubuntu 12.04 in your /etc/apt/sources.list in order to be able install the matching libsvn-java 1.6:

deb precise main
deb precise main universe restricted multiverse


  1. Open the New Software Dialog

    Select HelpInstall New Software

  2. Press the Add Button to add a site

    Click Add to add the site.

  3. Add Subclipse repository

    Pick a name for the Name field, enter into the Location field and press OK

  4. Select Subclipse

    Select the Subclipse group and press Next

  5. Review the Installation details

    Review the installation details and continue by pressing Next

    If you can't install all packages at once just try to install only the packages marked as Required

  6. Accept Licenses

    Review and accept the license and continue by pressing Finish. This will start the installation.

  7. Installation Process

    You will be presented the progress of the installation.

  8. Unsigned packages

    The packages are not cryptographically signed, nothing we can change right now. Just click OK

  9. Restart Eclipse

    You will be asked to restart Eclipse at the end of the installation.

  10. Feedback

    You are asked if you want to participate in providing feedback, the choice is yours.

In the next chapter we will install the EGit plug-in. EGit provides the functionality of Git in Eclipse.