Install EGit

The Saros Team is using Git to manage the source code. In principle you can use any Git client you want, but we encourage you to install the EGit plugin to get a copy of the Saros source code and start working on it.


Use the update site:

Install Eclipse EGit 2.3.1, and optionally EGit Mylyn 2.3.1

(Why? Because EGit 2.3.1 is the latest EGit version that supports Eclipse 3.7)


  1. Open the New Software Dialog

    Select HelpInstall New Software

  2. Press the Add Button to add a site

    Click Add... to add the site.

  3. Add EGit repository

    Pick a name for the Name field, enter into the Location field and press OK

  4. Select EGit

    Unfold Eclipse Git Team Provider, check Eclipse EGit and EGit Mylyn and continue by pressing Next button.

  5. Review the Installation details

    Review the installation details and continue by pressing the Next

  6. Accept Licenses

    Review and accept the license and continue by pressing Finish. This will start the installation.

  7. Installation Process

    You will be presented the progress of the installation.

  8. Restart Eclipse

    You will be asked to restart Eclipse at the end of the installation.

Now you installed all requiered plug-ins for building Saros and working. In the next chapter we will explain you our workflow.