We distinguish between two categories of documentation issues: website and source code.
How to handle documentation issues
Each documentation issue should be prioritized (see priorities below)
The developer who has the knowledge to correct that issue is responsible to do so
please concentrate on the issues with the highest priority first
if the issues concerns source code comments ask for a review especially if you have larger comment changes
after correcting or completing a documentation issue set the resolution to "Fixed"
documentation manager should
close corrected documentation issues entries after s/he confimed the correction
Documentation issue priorities
Sourceforge trackers provide nine priority levels. We only need five, so we only use the odd numbers:
This issue has to be corrected/completed immediately!
This is a very important documentation issue, e.g. a missing package description of a major package or a very important missing or wrong information on the website.
This is an important documentation issue, e.g. an interface or a class description is missing/incomplete or information on the website which is not understandable.
This is a documentation issue what needs to be taken care of, e.g. a method that needs to be commented.
Not prioritized yet - or documentation issues that aren't important but should be noted.